The Wave

When the waters came in we all just did our best to get on with things. Turns out that it’s easier to cope with 40ft of water constantly above and around you than you might think.

Sure, it was a bit difficult to breathe. And yes, all our stuff got ruined. But if you keep your head down, and power through, you can just about get by. Stiff upper lip, and all that.

We had to change how we did things, obviously. The influx of sea creatures was particularly challenging. But on the upside, we certainly all good a lot more exercise done! I never thought I’d be so grateful for those awful primary school swimming lessons.

But what really got to me was that nobody felt like talking about it. Like we’d all agreed to cover it up or something. We all knew it was happening, but nobody wanted to say anything about it. Of course, saying anything was a bit tricky when mostly bubbles came out every time you opened your mouth, but even in the primitive shell-based communication system we developed, it was apparently a taboo subject.

You might bring it up with a best friend, or a family member if you were lucky. But for a lot of people, they didn’t even have that. You’d see folks just lying on the seabed, staring into space. You wanted to go over to them and yell “THIS WATER! IT’S CRAZY! HOW IS THIS HAPPENING? HOW DO WE STOP IT? WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO IGNORE IT?”. But you wouldn’t.

Getting rid of the water didn’t even come up. Maybe people just assumed it would vanish on its own. Or  that if we just ignored it, it would go away.

Eventually, it did recede. And we felt better for it. But I’ll never forget those weird couple of months we spent quietly getting on with our submerged lives.